a warm house

last night lindsay and I had our housewarming party and it was totally lovely. Spent the day being real house-wife-y: cleaning and taking out the trash and sweeping and baking cookies and cleaning the bathroom.

put on my party dress and some sweet tunes. we both painted our nails.

and then the apartment filled up with friends from Hampshire & the Valley, from Elsewhere, from Landmark, from my extended family (woah cousins!), from down the street, and more. Our bellies filled up with cole slaw, potato salad, pasta salad, delicious cheese and bagette, picnic basket wine, ginger-beer, and then later joe’s famous spice cake, my famous macrobiotic jelly cookies, and some brownies with candy-canes in them (I was cleaning the cupboards and found them….). Our kitchen was filled up with conversation and new/old friends, and then our living room was filled up with Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, and other great musicians who I can’t remember because they aren’t vagely ironic but actually make great dance music.

The house warmed up so much I had to open a window! And as Lindsay said, “Aliya’s always cold.”

Thank you for welcoming me so warmly, New York.

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